Please make sure to sign up for an event if you want to come!
Schrijf je alsjeblieft in voor een evenement als je langs wilt komen!
Event Information:
Mon16May202219:00Pretoriusstraat 43, 1092 EZ, Amsterdam
benefit VoKu for Vrij Parkeren Leiden @ Joe's
What? benefit VoKu
When? Monday the 16th of May. Doors open at 19:00, food served between 19:00 and 20:00
Where? Joe's Garage. Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam
Costs? donation based: all profit goes to court-costs and/or maintenance on the squat.
At 9pm Acid Reflux, a grungeband with a pure and honest no-bullshit sound, will play an acoustic set.
See you there!
xxx VPL